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We don't just generate leads, we also track the customer's journey to conversion!


+1 way to learn more about the Target Audience (TA) — user analysis


How to analyze customer data for a successful advertising launch?

Which channel did they come from, which pages did they view, how long did they stay on the site before conversion, what did they ask when they called? The customer portrait will reveal unexpected interests! A detailed guide with an example of 2 cases.

Roman Chernysh

Co-Founder "Power-UP"



  • TRACK website behavior and the customer's path to purchase

  • CREATE A DETAILED PORTRAIT of the customer to understand conversion age, place of residence, and interests.





Setting up the Client ID Variable

Users don't convert immediately after seeing an ad. Using ClientID — a browser cookie record assigned to each user at the time of site visit — we tracked the entire customer journey to conversion: which channel, campaign, creative/keyword they came from first and how much time passed from contact to conversion.



Integration with Call Tracking

Working with a call tracking system benefits both the business and the digital agency. It allows monitoring the quality of communication between the manager and the potential client, analyzing which campaigns lead to target inquiries. Knowing the time of the inquiry, we were able to listen to the call recording when a person registered for a viewing and then purchased a house.



"Sherlock Holmes 2.0"

The call tracking service shows the phone number of the incoming call. If we check this number through messengers or third-party software solutions — we find out the name. We search for information about the person on social networks and the internet. We know preferences, hobbies, marital status, income level, place of residence and work, travel destinations, friends' hobbies, loyalty to competitor projects.



Optimization of Advertising Work

We redistribute budgets to campaigns that resulted in sales. After analyzing social networks of buyers, we more precisely select targeting in social networks, based on interests, age, social status. We more effectively set up campaigns in Google Search — adding important information for the TA to ads, adjusting bids by geo, age. There are countless options!



The marketing department provided us with data about a successful deal. We found information about this user in Google Analytics using ClientID.


Tracked time spent on the site and steps to conversion. Integration with the call tracking service helped evaluate the call and the customer's readiness to purchase.


Created a detailed portrait of the customer to understand conversion age, place of residence, and interests. Thus, we were able to more qualitatively distribute the budget among advertising campaigns.

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